Game purpose: development of dexterity, accuracy, strengthening of muscles of hands and feet.
On a playground on one line nearby from each other dig out a number of poles ovens. Ovens do superficial that on them the ball could sweep. The quantity of ovens corresponds to number of players.
Players become from two parties of the line of the ovens, everyone about the oven. Игры для девочек! Extreme players become the face to each other, they and begin game.
The extreme player rolls a ball on ovens. If the ball didn't stop in one of poles, the second extreme player rolls it back. When the ball will get stuck in someone's oven, all participants of game promptly run up in different directions, and in what oven appeared a ball, throws it in one of participants of game. Into whom throw, catches a ball and beats it other player. Thus it is necessary to throw from that place where the ball overtook the playing. So proceeds until someone won't miss. Then all return to the ovens. The one who missed, changes ovens with one of extreme players and starts game anew. For the second miss about an oven "мазуна" draw a line, and for the third miss do a nest and narrow a stick-kvochku. For each miss about an oven stick a stick chicken.
When at somebody five chickens will be taken, them hide, and the owner of a kvochka shall find and distribute them to other players, that is catch up and touch a stick. All other players run away from a kvochka. Game is started anew.
Rules of the game:
it is necessary "to salt" from a place and only in feet;
at the end of the game the owner of a kvochka "salts" until it won't have any stick.